Savannah Arts and Windsor Forest Named 2019 Breakout High Schools by GASSP

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, October 21st, 2019

The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is home to two of only seven high schools named Breakout Schools in the state of Georgia this year.  The honor was bestowed by the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals on both Savannah Arts Academy and Windsor Forest High School.

The Breakout Schools Award is designed to identify, recognize, and showcase Georgia high schools that are high achieving or dramatically improving student achievement. GASSP accepts applications from high schools throughout Georgia.

The schools will be recognized at a luncheon at the organization’s annual conference in Savannah next month. Principals of the Breakout Schools award will also serve on a panel as part of the Fall Conference Agenda where they’ll be able to showcase their school's accomplishments with attendees.