Harris Lowry Manton LLP Hosts 6th Annual First Responder Appreciation Luncheon in Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Harris Lowry Manton LLP, an award-winning trial law firm with offices in Savannah and Atlanta, recently hosted the 6th Annual First Responder Appreciation Luncheon at Daffin Park in Savannah, Ga. The free event attracted more than 250 first responders from across the area and featured a picnic-style lunch catered by Chef Kirk Blaine, live music by Junkyard Angel, free giveaways and a memorial tribute to fallen first responders.
“This event started six years ago as a way to express our gratitude to local first responders, who work hard to keep everyone in our community safe,” said Harris Lowry Manton LLP partner Steve Lowry. “It’s also a way to celebrate National First Responders Day, which takes place on October 28, and to honor the brave men and women who put their lives on the line in emergency situations, each and every day.”
Harris Lowry Manton LLP partners Jeff Harris, Steve Lowry and Jed Manton also presented a $2,000 check donation to the Two Hundred Club of the Coastal Empire, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides financial support to the families of local first responders killed or injured in the line of duty.
“The Two Hundred Club of the Coastal Empire is dedicated to supporting the families of first responders in need right here in our community,” said 200 Club President Mark Dana. “Businesses like Harris Lowry Manton understand the vital role first responders play in our community and graciously take the time to demonstrate their support.”
This annual event brought together police officers, firefighters and paramedics from Chatham County, Bryan and Effingham County to enjoy a free lunch at tables set beneath a canopy of live oak trees at Daffin Park.
“This is a wonderful event that Savannah’s first responders look forward to each year,” said Savannah Fire Chief Derik Minard. “The laid-back atmosphere and sense of camaraderie is truly special for everyone in attendance.”