Dental ClaimSupport included in UGA Alumni Association’s Bulldog 100 List

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

Dental ClaimSupport, based in Savannah, GA is included in the University of Georgia Alumni Association’s 2020 Bulldog 100 list of fastest-growing businesses owned or operated by UGA alumni. More than 533 nominations were submitted for the 2020 list.

Dental ClaimSupport, owned by three UGA graduates Ryan DeLettre (c/o 2006), Davy Clay (c/o 2008), and Josh Smith (c/o 2009), specializes in dental billing services ensuring dentists get paid by eliminating insurance strain.  DCS is reshaping the interaction between the dental practice and the insurance companies to grow financial performance thus creating a win-win for both parties.

“Being selected to the Bulldog 100 is a great accomplish for Dental ClaimSupport. We just celebrated our seventh anniversary as a company and to receive this honor at any stage of a business is a tremendous honor and we look forward to many more.” said Dental ClaimSupport Co-Owner and Co-Founder, Davy Clay.

The 2020 Bulldog 100 includes businesses of all sizes and from industries such as technology, cosmetics, entertainment and education. Companies are based as far north as Virginia and as far west as Nevada. Of the 100 businesses, 84 are located within the state of Georgia.

Applicants were measured by their business’ compounded annual growth rate during a three-year period. The Atlanta office of Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors, a Bulldog 100 partner since the program began in 2009, verified the information submitted by each company.

The UGA Alumni Association will host the annual Bulldog 100 Celebration in Athens Feb. 8 to celebrate these alumni business leaders and count down the ranked list to ultimately reveal the No. 1 fastest-growing business.

“Hosting this year’s Bulldog 100 Celebration in Athens will bring these bright entrepreneurs back to campus to experience how it has grown since their days at UGA,” said Meredith Gurley Johnson, executive director of the UGA Alumni Association. “We’re excited for the opportunity for these industry leaders to connect with students and share their advice and expertise.”