Holiday Meals Delivered to Thunderbolt Firefighters, Police Officers and Utility Workers from Local Commercial Construction Firm, the Dewitt Tilton Group

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

The Dewitt Tilton Group, a premier construction firm in the Lowcountry, showed its gratitude in a special way to the Town of Thunderbolt’s firefighters, police officers and utility workers.

The leadership team and employees of the Dewitt Tilton Group personally delivered Thanksgiving lunches from Thunderbolt restaurant Coach’s Corner at 12 p.m.

“This is our small way of saying thank you to these men and women who work tirelessly to ensure our safety and comfort throughout the holiday season,” said Chris Tilton, one of two principals at the Dewitt Tilton Group. “While we’re enjoying this Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends, we wanted these folks, who often don’t get that time off, to know we’re thinking of them and all they do for us.”

This is the second year that the Dewitt Tilton Group has delivered holiday meals to Thunderbolt’s first responders and the first year of providing the meals to the utility workers. In total, over 20 meals were delivered.