Local Business Takes Action Against Plastic Pollution Crisis

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

The beauty industry has a plastic packaging problem. Zero Waste Week reports the global industry creates 120 billion units of packaging every year, most of which isn’t conventionally recyclable. Salacia Salts, a high quality collection of skin care and home fragrance products made with natural ingredients, has teamed up with TerraCycle to combat the beauty industry’s massive output of plastic products and packaging waste through the Zero Waste Box program.

“We care deeply about this beautiful planet that we get to call home,” says Salacia Salts CEO, Cari Clark Phelps. “We want to do what we can to restore our land.”

By placing the Beauty Products & Packaging Zero Waste Box inside their studio, Salacia Salts helps customers and Chatham County community members conveniently recycle their beauty empties and reduce their environmental impact. The zero-waste initiative aligns with the brand’s focus on sustainability and the conservation of Earth’s natural resources.
Salacia Salts uses post-consumer recycled packaging whenever possible with the goal of eliminating plastic from the product line. The first product developed for the company was a salt soak packaged in a reclaimed, “upcycled” wine bottle.

Like most plastic packaging, this conventionally unrecyclable beauty waste would have otherwise been landfilled, incinerated, or may have even contributed to the pollution of marine habitats. The collected beauty and skin care packaging will now be sorted, shredded and recycled into a variety of new products such as park benches, bike racks, shipping pallets and recycling bins.

TerraCycle, the world’s leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams, created the Zero Waste Box program to provide solutions for difficult-to-recycle waste that cannot be recycled through TerraCycle’s brand-sponsored, national recycling programs or via standard municipal recycling.  Salacia Salts hopes to become a well-known spot for locals to recycle empty beauty products in an appropriate manner.

“The foundation of the company was built on my love and passion for sustainability,” says Phelps. “By recycling products appropriately, we are helping to alleviate waste in our water systems which leads to an overall happy and healthier lifestyle.”