Port Wentworth Chamber Launches Next Phases of #Together4PW

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

The Port Wentworth Chamber of Commerce, as part of its mission to continue supporting local businesses while many places are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is implementing the second phase of its #Together4PW initiative. Last month, the chamber launched the special campaign with a video designed to highlight local retailers, hospitality businesses and eateries by telling their stories and focusing on their offerings. As a whole, #Together4PW aims to bolster economic activity and connect consumers with businesses during these uncertain times.

The second phase of the initiative includes the chamber’s first virtual event. At 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2020, the chamber will host the Virtual Video Launch Party via Zoom to premiere the next video in the #Together4PW series, which will highlight tourism, hospitality, and small businesses in the community. Details on event registration are available on the chamber’s website, www.VisitPortWentworth.com.

The third phase of the initiative involves a series of brief weekly video interviews that Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Trisha Growe will conduct with local businesses who are chamber members. The videos, which will run between 3-5 minutes, will be posted to the Chamber’s social media so followers can learn a little bit more about the establishments that form the backbone of Port Wentworth’s retail community. During the interviews, Growe will chat with business owners about how operations have changed for them since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, what special deals and offerings customers can enjoy, and what plans they have for the future.

In addition to the marketing video released last month, the campaign reminds residents and consumers that all area businesses’ websites and social media pages are still active. Growe hopes those who are able will show their support by purchasing gift cards to be used later or goods that can be shipped now. Even those with tight budgets can be helpful by going online and giving businesses a positive review or rating. Anyone who places an order, gives an online review or shares a businesses’ post is urged to hashtag it #Together4PW, so others can see the initiative taking hold in the online community. The idea is to spur on the campaign as more people realize it’s a simple way to offer support.

“The first phase of #Together4PW was so well received and successful, we thought the time is definitely right to build on that momentum and keep the focus on our local business owners and operators,” Growe said. “I’m excited to premiere the next video in the #Together4PW series and to chat with one business each week to get updates and learn about the great deals and options that are available right now. I hope we’ll get lots of eager participants.”

Anyone who would like to be featured in a weekly video interview to air on the chamber’s social media should call Growe at (912) 965-1999 or email tgrowe@visitportwentworth.com.