SCCPSS Meal Plan to Continue Once a Week Delivery on Tuesdays for the Remainder of the School Year

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, May 4th, 2020

The SCCPSS Meal Delivery Plan continues while schools are closed.  Meal deliveries will continue a once a week schedule with planned delivery on Tuesdays for the final two weeks of the school year. Monitor the District's website for regular updates.

For the week of May 4th, meals will be distributed on Tuesday, May 5th at more than 400 bus stops across the county.  On that day, students will receive five days of meals – a breakfast and a lunch for Tuesday through Monday excluding the weekend.  Four days of meals will be delivered on Tuesday, May 12th the following week for the last four days of the school year.  Meals provided have a shelf life and should be stored appropriately.

Visit this link at for a complete list of meal delivery locations and times.  

Visit this link for the next two week's delivery schedule at a glance.

Simply look for the route departing from the school closest to you to find your nearest stop and time.  For any questions or concerns about Meal Stops, families should call the District's Transportation Line at 912-395-5591.