2015 Ocean Exchange Conference Held in Savannah

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

The 2015 Ocean Exchange Conference was held at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. 

Guests representing a cross-section of professions from industry, government, conservation, research, and academia were in attendance for the three day event. On October 11, eight college students chosen from all around the country gave 3-minute presentations about their ideas and inventions on how to pull some of the untapped energy potential from the world's oceans.

"It is very exciting," said Millicent Pitts, CEO of Ocean Exchange. "They come for different reasons, we call them delegates, some come because they want to see the newest, greatest, technology. They may have an interest in investing, they may have an interest in using that technology in their business."

The event will wrap up later in the week with two $100,000 prizes being given to two start up companies with working prototypes to help solve sustainability concerns.