Armstrong State University Launches New State-of-the-Art Website

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, October 12th, 2015

Armstrong State University recently launched a new state-of-the-art website featuring optimized navigation, responsive design and expanded use of student testimonials. The new site, located at, includes strategic integration of photography, video and social media and incorporates the university’s signature maroon and gold color palette.
The university’s primary goal was to improve the functionality of the site for target audiences, including current students, faculty and staff as well as prospective students and community members. The new responsive design ensures that the website adjusts to smartphones, iPads and other mobile devices.

“The new Armstrong website is user-friendly and visually appealing,” said Armstrong President Linda M. Bleicken. “It does a great job telling the Armstrong story and helping us to share that story with a broader audience. ”

The site launch also coincides with the 80th anniversary of Armstrong’s founding and the 50th anniversary of the university’s move to Savannah’s southside, both of which are being celebrated throughout the 2015-16 academic year.

The website project served as a collaboration between Armstrong’s Marketing Department and Information Technology Services Department, led by Janice Stanford, the university’s web manager.
“We conducted focus groups of traditional and non-traditional students early in the process in order to determine the most user-friendly design elements for the new site,” Stanford said. “We’re pleased with the look and functionality of the new site and have received positive feedback from students, faculty and staff.”