Art Rise Savannah Brings Warhol Master Printer for Free Screen Printing Demonstration

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

Art Rise Savannah is thrilled to bring former master printer of pop artist icon Andy Warhol, Michael Enns, to Savannah for a free “Make Your Own Warhol” demonstration on Friday, October 16, from 2-4pm at Non-Fiction Gallery, 1522 Bull Street.

Enns worked for Warhol in his famed New York Factory from the late 70’s until Warhol's death in 1987. He brought the artist’s emblematic screen-printed images to life using Warhol’s signature printing process. During the demonstration, Enns will share this process with participants, creating a Warhol before their eyes.

This demonstration will be held in anticipation of Art Rise’s major fall fundraiser—this year an Andy Warhol Factory themed extravaganza. This highly-anticipated event on October 16 from 7-11pm, will transform the recently acquired Non-Fiction Gallery into the legendary Factory of 1970’s New York City. A Velvet Underground look-alike band, played by local favorites Twisty Cats, will transport guests to another era, while Warhol movies will flicker on the silvery factory walls. Event tickets are $47.99 per person and include free drinks and food. Tickets for the event will be limited.

Additionally, Enns will create a Warhol-style screen print of the one lucky winner of a raffle contest. Raffle tickets are $10 and available online, and during the fundraiser at Non-Fiction. Raffle and fundraiser tickets are both available online at The lucky ticket will be drawn on the night of October 16th and participants need not be present to win.

Proceeds from the fundraising event will go towards Art Rise Savannah programming, including the First Friday Art March, the Savannah Art Informer, Non-Fiction Gallery, and continued outreach programs throughout the community.