City Launches New Web Feature

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

Today the City of Savannah launches a new web feature to help answer pressing questions the public may have about decisions the City has made, or services it offers. The site is called Just the FAQs, and can be accessed at

Initial topics addressed on the site include the City’s financial health, the police merger, the Cultural Arts Center and more. Just the FAQs will respond to misinformation or rumors about City issues that often circulate quickly and can be taken as fact.

Within Just the FAQs, readers will find answers presented in a straight-forward, succinct manner. The answers are information and data driven, with links to primary documents, minutes and meeting videos to allow the reader to drill down into the level of detail they prefer.

Users can submit questions of their own through the site, which staff will review and respond to on the site when appropriate. The site will also be regularly updated with new answers when topics of interest surface within the community.