City of Richmond Hill Purchases Property for Future Growth, Community Connectivity

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Following an extensive search for a large tract of land centrally located within city limits and able to be developed, the Richmond Hill City Council voted tonight to approve the purchase of a 51-acre parcel of property. The land, located directly across the Cherry Hill entrance to the Ford Plantation and purchased well below market value, will allow city leaders to position Richmond Hill for future growth and boost quality of life initiatives for area residents by extending services for park space and increasing connectivity to neighborhoods.

“We were looking for a large parcel of land -- 20 acres or more -- that was able to be developed. This was one of the few that met our criteria and is located geographically in the heart of town,” said Russ Carpenter, City Council member and Mayor Pro Tem. “The primary purpose of the land is to create a downtown area, build a park similar to Savannah’s Forsyth Park, and provide connectivity from the adjacent neighborhoods.”

The City of Richmond Hill has launched a number of projects aimed at improving citizens’ quality of life over the past year, including a system of sidewalks connecting neighborhoods to schools, parks and retail establishments; the beautification of the crossroads intersection of state road 25 (US 17) and state road 144; and the future addition of underground power lines and overhead lights.

“We are excited to begin work on a project that will improve the aesthetics of the city and create a live-work-play community,” said Mayor Harold Fowler. “In conjunction with other city projects and the upcoming announcement of a Downtown Development Authority, this is something that will benefit all residents.”