Georgia Power Presents Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation with $49,000+ Energy Efficiency Rebate

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

Georgia Power announced today that the company recently presented a rebate of $49,297 to Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. through Georgia Power's Commercial Energy Efficiency program. Gulfstream earned the rebate by installing high-efficiency LED exit signs, occupancy sensors and fluorescent and LED lighting equipment at its Savannah facility over the last two years. These upgrades have resulted in a savings of approximately 1,280 megawatt hours to date as well as an expected future reduction in energy costs.

Gulfstream has been an active participant in the Georgia Power Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program since the program's inception in 2011.

"We are dedicated to helping customers make smart energy choices and identify ways to save money and lower their overall energy costs," said Cathy Hill, vice president of Georgia Power's Coastal Region. "This rebate recognizes a concentrated effort by Gulfstream, and we're looking forward to continuing to work with them to make their facility even more energy efficient in the future."

Gulfstream is also placing an increased focus on energy efficiency by installing sub-meters on buildings at the company's Savannah facility to measure energy usage before and after improvements are made.

Georgia Power's Commercial Energy Efficiency program makes rebates and incentives available to all commercial customers. The program encourages customers to incorporate high-efficiency equipment upgrades at schools, universities, hospitals and other businesses. Customers can receive incentives for making qualified improvements, including upgrading interior lighting, installing high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, and installing high-efficiency cooking equipment.