Local Non-Profit Business Development Organization Elects New Board

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

A local non-profit economic development organization known as Small Business Assistance Corporation announced that they have approved new members and appointed slate of officers to their board for the upcoming 2016 fiscal year. These new members are volunteers and community-minded individuals from Savannah and the surrounding area who support economic development of our area.

SBAC is very pleased to announce the approval of the following 2016 FY New Board Members: Rebecca Clarkson from Hunter Maclean, Jeff Cooper from Bank of the Ozarks, Gabe Thomas from SunTrust, and Gertrude Jennings.

The non-profit is also pleased to announce the appointment of the following 2016 FY Slate of Officers: Ben Johnson as Chairman, Al Torpie as Treasurer, Rebecca Clarkson as Secretary, Heather Coleman as Assistant Secretary, and Alison Clay as Loan Committee Chair. These nominations were put before the membership at the SBAC Luncheon on September 23rd, 2015.

“SBAC would be nothing without the time and talent of our volunteers in the pursuit of our mission of community development”, states SBAC’s President, Tony O’Reilly.