NAWIC Announces New Board of Directors

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

Coastal Georgia National Association of Women in Construction is pleased to announce its 2015-2016 Board of Directors.

The Board positions include Tonya Reed of Henry Plumbing, President; Laura Lee Bocade of DIRTT, Vice President; Kathy Marshall of Dodge Data & Analytics, Corresponding Secretary; Candace Forkner of Pioneer Construction, Recording Secretary; Anne-Marie Jones of First Citizens Bank, Treasurer; LaShonda Robinson, Director; Lisa Dixon of Pace Lighting, Director; and Vickie Callaway of BB&T Insurance Services, Immediate Past President.

An Installation Ceremony was held on Monday, September 28th at The Pirates’ House.  Awards for the evening were presented to two members for their service and dedication to the chapter.  The WIC of the Year Award was voted on by chapter members and awarded to Candace Forkner of Pioneer Construction for her hard work and commitment to the chapter’s Board and activities.  The President’s Award was awarded by the former Chapter President to Laura Lee Bocade of DIRTT for her willingness to help the President, Board and Chapter however needed.

As new Chapter President, Tonya’s goals will center on personal and professional development of members by encouraging all women to “build each other up and not tear each other down”.