Reclaiming Old West Broad Street Meeting Announced, Public Invited to Provide Input on I-16 Ramp Removal Project

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Monday, October 12th, 2015

The Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization will host a public meeting on Thursday, October 15, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Savannah Civic Center, 301 W. Oglethorpe Ave., Savannah.  The meeting will begin with an open-house format at 5:00 p.m. for attendees to view exhibits and speak with the project team.  A presentation will be given at 5:30 p.m., followed by time for interactive discussion with the project team.  Interactive three-dimensional models will more clearly convey how the new street network will function. The purpose of the meeting is to share information and receive feedback about the two options of the proposed street network as part of the current phase of the study, the Interchange Modification Report.

This stage of the process builds upon many previous efforts, namely the Reclaiming Old West Broad Street:  I-16 Exit Ramp Removal Project, completed in July 2012.  Three alternatives were developed during this process and shared with the community for their feedback.  The preferred alternative moved forward for analysis and now two variations of the alternative will be shared with the community for input.

“The removal of the I-16 ramps over Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard is a long-term project that, once complete, will allow for the restoration of the street network in this area and return over eight acres of land to the community,” said Tom Thomson, Executive Director, Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission/CORE MPO.  “Although this project has broad support, there are many questions about how this will impact getting in and out of downtown.  This meeting will share information to help provide those answers and seek the community’s feedback about various options of the proposed new street network.”