Richmond Hill Historical Society Forms Partnership with Henry Ford Heritage Association in Dearborn, Mich.

Staff Report From Savannah CEO

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

The Richmond Hill Historical Society and the Henry Ford Heritage Association recently entered into a partnership to raise awareness for both organizations and promote the life and achievements of Henry Ford.

“We admire the Henry Ford Heritage Association’s mission to preserve and interpret the landmarks associated with Henry Ford’s life and family and to foster interest in the accomplishments of Henry Ford,” said Christy Sherman, president of the Richmond Hill Historical Society. “By partnering with the Henry Ford Heritage Association, we will be able to continue to promote and share the stories of Henry Ford and keep his legacy alive.”

In 1925, Henry Ford arrived in Bryan Neck near Richmond Hill and purchased land to build his winter residence, Richmond. He went on to build churches, schools, community centers, and medical facilities. In 1941, the town’s name was changed to Richmond Hill in honor of Henry Ford.

“The Henry Ford Heritage Association looks forward to partnering with the Richmond Hill Historical Society and mutually exposing our members to other Ford organizations,” said Joe Adams, president of the Henry Ford Heritage Association.

The Richmond Hill Historical Society joins The Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, Fair Lane, The Edison and Ford Winter Estates, The Benson Ford Research Center, The Model A Foundation, The Early Ford V8 Foundation and The Ford Piquette Avenue Plant in their new partnership with the Henry Ford Heritage Association of Dearborn, Mich.